
All posts with the tag js

10 New Nodejs features in 2024 /01

I am really excited about these changes. These 10 features, to me, represent that the node org and the javascript community as a whole is moving forward and maturing even more. Could not be happier. 1. Nodejs can run Typscript!... kind of. There are some things that I will list...

8 free Javascript learning resources /02

Here are my top 8 free resources I used to learn the fundamentals and still reference all the time. I may put together a list of paid resources in the future as well but I wanted to get started with these too. This is, by no means, an exhaustive list. There are many more out there and they continue to grow! Also these are not in any particular order, they are all great resources.

Astro form to a google sheet /03

I have been using astro for about a year now and I have been loving its simplicity while getting some cool things done. I had a client need a special form to submit to a google sheet of theirs so they can manage the data there. Their site is hosted in cloudflare pages so that complicated things a little...

Async Await in JavaScript and a helpful utility function /04

Basically they are a way to handle handling asynchronous actions and then do things after the value returns. For example, in the browser you can make a fetch request and then wait for the request to complete before trying to read the response. Or in nodejs, make a request to the server's file system and wait for the OS to return the file request before working with that data. In this article we are going to go over some really cool ways to work with promises using async/await syntax. Async Await was introduced to add some sugar on top to reduce some of the complex parts of working with promises.

Deep clone in Javascript with structuredClone /05

Lets start off my asking what is a "deep" clone as opposed to just a regular old "clone"? Or better yet, "Why would we need to know about cloning anyway?" Wow, what great questions! To answer that we need to do a review of how JavaScript primitive values and assignment works. Most programming languages have values called `primitives`. These are the most basic types of values you have to work with to create programs. For example, in JavaScript there are 7 primitive types

Javascript array methods /06

Welcome back to another fundamentals post. This time about javascript array methods. We will go over several and some tips & tricks for each. These will greatly help you out as you do not always have to come up with the boilerplate code for preforming some algorithms. Array.prototype.at(), This is a newer method added relatively recently. Make sure to checkout...

Javascript Variables and Scopes /07

Variables are one of the foundational building blocks of any programming language and JavaScript is no exception to this. But, how do they work? When you are trying to read someone else's code, including past you's code, the meaning of the variables are changed based on where and how they are defined. Let's dive into it!

Let's get started together/01